1.   But Bloomberg administration officials described the report as a naive political broadside meant to scare the public.

2.   Critics say Hong Kong has exaggerated the projected number of immigrants to scare the public and win support for reversing the court ruling.

3.   Critics say the government has inflated the figures of people eligible for residency to scare the public.

4.   I have long feared that newspapers are being manipulated by marketing departments of companies out to make a killing by scaring the public into buying inferior products.

5.   Livestock operators say the report lacks scientific evidence and is just another attempt by environmental groups to scare the public.

6.   Then the president got distracted by other issues, while the insurance industry and others defending the status quo concentrated on scaring the public about the proposed changes.

7.   There have been suspicions that Hollywood has deliberately avoided such movies under pressure from Washington not to scare the public.

8.   Opponents accused the White House and the commission of trying to manufacture a crisis to scare the public and make the stock market idea easier to sell.

9.   Amir Peretz, head of the giant Histadrut trade union federation accused Neeman of scaring the public with figures many times greater than the real cost of the increases.

10.   British officials said they want to increase the maximum penalty for hoaxers who scare the public with false warnings about anthrax and other biological, chemical and nuclear weapons.

v. + public >>共 491
educate 6.77%
protect 5.02%
inform 4.67%
mislead 3.23%
serve 2.30%
warn 2.06%
reassure 1.83%
reach 1.48%
keep 1.48%
take 1.48%
scare 0.78%
scare + n. >>共 235
people 13.20%
hell 5.31%
investor 3.73%
child 3.73%
daylight 3.16%
voter 3.01%
public 2.87%
wit 2.01%
pant 1.87%
lot 1.43%
每页显示:    共 20