1.   Financial scandals have damaged the industry in recent years.

2.   The recent scandal has damaged his clean-cut image.

3.   The scandal could damage his career.

4.   The scandal has damaged her image as an honest politician.

5.   The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.

6.   The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.

7.   The scandal significantly damaged her career.

8.   He withdrew his candidacy after the scandal damaged his reputation.

9.   In itself, it showed how much the scandal has damaged America.

10.   She also worries about how the potential scandal might damage her high status in the parents-of-challenged-children community, a surprisingly competitive subculture.

n. + damage >>共 809
explosion 5.92%
fire 4.87%
bomb 4.44%
blast 4.05%
attack 1.71%
storm 1.05%
water 1.01%
rain 0.97%
flood 0.93%
weather 0.78%
scandal 0.74%
scandal + v. >>共 444
be 13.00%
break 8.60%
erupt 3.50%
come 2.76%
have 2.76%
force 2.23%
lead 2.20%
involve 2.01%
taint 1.38%
prompt 1.34%
damage 0.71%
每页显示:    共 19