1.   So he scans their computers for any mischievous programs and installs security software.

2.   These programs can scan your computer for viruses every time you start up or even continuously.

3.   But Ballen, bombarded by calls from analysts and constantly scanning his computers for updates, fends off the pressure.

4.   Have you scanned your computer for viruses lately?

5.   Probing software automatically scans computers connected to the Internet and evaluates the level of their security protection, looking for weak systems vulnerable to easy attack.

6.   Scan your computer on a regular basis.

7.   The worm spreads by selecting IP addresses, scanning the computers associated with them for the hole, and spreading to the vulnerable machines.

8.   To fix your machine and protect it from future invasions, you should install an antivirus program to scan the computer for worms and viruses and then delete them.

9.   Update the reinstalled anti-virus software, and then let it scan your computer and remove the virus.

10.   Closely scanning a computer displaying their course and talking constantly on static-filled radios, they are leaving nothing to chance.

v. + computer >>共 665
use 19.98%
buy 5.41%
have 4.77%
sell 2.84%
turn 1.77%
make 1.75%
link 1.63%
connect 1.50%
own 1.38%
get 1.30%
scan 0.21%
scan + n. >>共 389
crowd 4.15%
sky 3.50%
list 3.04%
horizon 2.86%
document 2.67%
image 2.40%
room 2.40%
face 2.30%
area 1.94%
photo 1.29%
computer 0.92%
每页显示:    共 10