1.   Note that there is no longer a fixed national scale figure.

2.   Achieving economies of scale figures prominently as a motivation, combining customers to increase output while cutting costs, often by eliminating redundant personnel.

3.   Jakks expects to cover the gamut of X Games merchandise -- from trading cards to accurately rendered scale figures of skateboarding and biking stars.

n. + figure >>共 985
casualty 8.46%
opposition 8.25%
government 4.06%
unemployment 3.77%
trade 3.24%
inflation 2.95%
employment 2.95%
action 2.57%
production 2.13%
sport 1.97%
scale 0.05%
scale + n. >>共 216
model 14.35%
war 3.19%
operation 2.96%
economy 2.28%
drawing 2.05%
industry 1.82%
project 1.82%
investment 1.59%
system 1.59%
offensive 1.37%
figure 0.91%
每页显示:    共 4