1.   No, I think he he says taking over the car lease.

2.   But Baker of the police union said taking LAPD detective trainees out of the program would leave detectives mired in work.

3.   Can anyone in good conscience say taking even one innocent life is justified by the desire to dispose of all of the others?

4.   He says that takes a black man like Rufus Thomas, a throwback in his jaunty black fedora, white bucks, salmon jacket, and yellow paisley tie.

5.   If taken to court, he said, he will show that the IRS routinely relies on faulty or nonexistent notices.

6.   Medications are especially effective if taken along with doses of psychotherapy, Winer says.

7.   Now, however, a study says taking just one adult aspirin once every two weeks will do a better job.

8.   But GM said even taking that into account, its performance was still good.

9.   But many say taking a few token heads or making new rules is not enough.

10.   Deputy Privacy Commissioner Robin McLeish said taking photographs in public places was permissible, but if the target asked for it to stop the paper should cease.

v. + take >>共 578
will 6.42%
resign 5.45%
be 4.96%
arrive 3.60%
use 2.77%
rush 2.38%
opt 2.33%
position 1.90%
return 1.85%
stop 1.75%
say 0.83%
say + v. >>共 875
be 17.85%
have 2.67%
fight 2.22%
quote 1.92%
make 1.90%
allow 1.52%
unite 1.45%
find 1.42%
add 1.35%
follow 1.17%
take 0.42%
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