1.   At stake, say proponents, are billions of dollars in potential lost revenues for the entertainment industry, including everyone from songwriters to movie producers.

2.   A noble goal, say proponents.

3.   Nature has adapted to the human presence, say proponents of drilling.

4.   National studies have shown that the risk of older inmates returning to a life of crime diminishes with age, say proponents of alternate care for older prisoners.

5.   Rate cuts, say proponents, could mitigate these recessionary shocks by encouraging consumers and businesses to spend more.

6.   Such situations can be avoided on the Internet, say proponents of digital libraries.

7.   The best way to fight that downward spiral, say proponents of the Broken Windows school, is to prevent it from starting.

8.   The method shortens recovery time, reduces pain and saves money, say proponents.

9.   Much more is needed to be done to preserve this piece of history, say proponents of preserving the Cherokee heritage.

10.   The goal, say proponents led by the entertainment industry, would be to block piracy and the Napster-like ability to make unlimited copies of digital content.

n. + proponent >>共 146
voucher 5.04%
say 3.88%
right 3.88%
abortion 2.71%
gun-control 2.33%
gun 2.33%
playoff 1.94%
tax 1.94%
death-penalty 1.94%
stadium 1.94%
say + n. >>共 382
analyst 10.86%
expert 5.61%
official 4.25%
researcher 3.89%
critic 3.17%
people 2.71%
investor 2.17%
economist 1.90%
specialist 1.45%
observer 1.45%
proponent 0.90%
每页显示:    共 10