1.   They need to save money.But the authority chairman now says whatever does happen fears about the loss of acute services are unlikely to be realised.

2.   Say what do you wanna give up smoking try these.

3.   After more talking, the Yankees raised their offer, and earlier this week Brosius said done.

4.   He accused Sanchez of trying to equate Spanish with English and said doing so sent the wrong message.

5.   He said he appreciated what the manager was saying, doing.

6.   If done properly, she said, public investment in private industry has important social benefits.

7.   If done correctly, they say, it also could work for the United States.

8.   It is often said what does not obliterate you, will make you stronger.

9.   Ong-Sakata and Shee said doing so fits with the Japanese culture of not making waves.

10.   The job was only half done they said and affirmative action is still needed.

v. + do >>共 457
be 7.23%
work 5.74%
have 5.07%
explain 5.00%
will 4.05%
use 2.97%
want 2.91%
better 2.16%
do 1.49%
die 1.42%
say 1.08%
say + v. >>共 875
be 17.85%
have 2.67%
fight 2.22%
quote 1.92%
make 1.90%
allow 1.52%
unite 1.45%
find 1.42%
add 1.35%
follow 1.17%
do 0.40%
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