1.   Caligiuri says closing down Kreis and post-up striker Mickey Trotman will be the key.

2.   Others said closing them after they had come off the failing list would be perceived as political punishment.

3.   Government leaders say closing the tunnel has had negative economic consequences.

4.   Secular rights activists said closing the street would mean giving in to religious coercion.

v. + close >>共 141
order 23.10%
be 4.75%
work 3.16%
report 2.53%
accord 2.22%
rush 2.22%
rebound 1.90%
mix 1.58%
rally 1.58%
can 1.27%
say 1.27%
say + v. >>共 875
be 17.85%
have 2.67%
fight 2.22%
quote 1.92%
make 1.90%
allow 1.52%
unite 1.45%
find 1.42%
add 1.35%
follow 1.17%
close 0.10%
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