1.   A dramatically lower savings rate, low growth rates in investment and labor productivity, and stagnating wages are a direct result.

2.   Egg hopes by selling funds it can offset the costs of luring customers with unprofitable savings rates.

3.   Other policies that influence savings rates or redistribute income from capital to labour will in general change.

4.   So savings rates stay high, and consumption, including the consumption of imported goods, stays low.

5.   Some have taken advantage of the Tessa trap to lower savings rates.

6.   The personal savings rate has already started to bounce back, and is sure to rise further this year.

7.   The results can be seen in savings rates.

8.   The savings rate is so low and the money available to create jobs is not there.

9.   Why does our savings rate trail others?

10.   With new Internet banks popping up like mushrooms, savings rates seem to change more quickly online than anywhere else.

n. + rate >>共 614
growth 6.29%
unemployment 6.02%
inflation 5.98%
tax 5.40%
crime 5.32%
mortality 2.05%
fund 1.89%
market 1.74%
success 1.51%
saving 1.39%
saving + n. >>共 144
rate 22.04%
plan 17.39%
scheme 6.27%
program 4.95%
institution 4.85%
deposit 3.64%
time 3.03%
fund 2.12%
system 1.92%
association 1.82%
每页显示:    共 217