1.   A more traditional dinner might consist of a salad of scallops, tuna steak with sauteed mushrooms and a dessert from Laduree, the celebrated pastry shop.

2.   A spicy pan-glazed tofu made with garlic and hot pepper flakes is a nice addition to a warm spinach salad with caramelized onions and sauteed mushrooms.

3.   Add sauteed mushrooms or ground beef to part of it and black olives, capers, anchovies, and grated Parmesan or Manchego cheese to another.

4.   Add the pumpkin puree, diced squash, sauteed mushrooms and wild rice and another cup of the stock.

5.   Add the steamed small shrimp, sauteed mushrooms and artichoke hearts to the sauce.

6.   Consider turning a vegetable dish, like sauteed mushrooms, into a pasta sauce.

7.   Garnish rabbit with sauteed mushrooms and chopped parsley, basil or thyme.

8.   I first lay the sauteed mushrooms and apple julienne in individual bowls, and then arrange the sliced livers around them.

9.   If desired, top with sauteed mushrooms and sprinkle with chives.

10.   Kalt serves it with an appetizer of crisp sauteed mushrooms mixed with shallots, but I use it to produce quick main courses.

a. + mushroom >>共 175
wild 19.42%
poisonous 7.16%
dried 6.13%
fresh 4.60%
sauteed 3.58%
edible 3.41%
white 2.90%
hallucinogenic 2.90%
sliced 2.21%
black 2.04%
sauteed + n. >>共 77
onion 15.50%
mushroom 10.50%
vegetable 10.00%
spinach 5.00%
garlic 3.50%
apple 2.50%
pepper 2.50%
shrimp 2.50%
cabbage 2.00%
potato 2.00%
每页显示:    共 21