1.   Breakfast might be cornmeal pancakes, Smithfield ham sausage, sauteed apples and Vermont maple syrup.

2.   If desired, serve with sauteed apple slices or hot applesauce.

3.   The chicken apple sausage has less fat than pork varieties, and sage-flavored sauteed apples and sauerkraut make great accompaniments.

4.   They need little butter, and instead of syrup, I serve them with tart sauteed apples.

5.   Tiny madeleinelike cookies and fairylike tarts filled with sauteed apples finished the meal.

a. + apple >>共 336
bad 5.97%
green 4.99%
fresh 3.80%
red 3.37%
american 3.04%
rotten 2.61%
unpasteurized 2.39%
old 2.17%
caramel 2.06%
sliced 1.63%
sauteed 0.54%
sauteed + n. >>共 77
onion 15.50%
mushroom 10.50%
vegetable 10.00%
spinach 5.00%
garlic 3.50%
apple 2.50%
pepper 2.50%
shrimp 2.50%
cabbage 2.00%
potato 2.00%
每页显示:    共 5