1.   For each salad, saute two pieces of smoked bacon, chopped, in a large skillet and drain off half of the fat.

2.   Heat oil in a paella pan or flameproof casserole and saute chicken pieces until golden.

3.   Saute chicken pieces, turning them several times as they cook.

4.   To do this, saute pieces of cooked skin in a pan over medium-high heat, salt and pepper them and scatter them over mixed greens.

v. + piece >>共 841
have 2.32%
find 2.23%
write 2.23%
add 1.78%
sell 1.78%
use 1.67%
take 1.53%
place 1.50%
buy 1.41%
cut 1.30%
saute 0.11%
saute + n. >>共 88
onion 27.15%
mushroom 5.84%
vegetable 4.81%
pan 3.78%
garlic 3.44%
chicken 3.09%
sausage 2.41%
meat 2.06%
green 1.72%
scallop 1.72%
piece 1.37%
每页显示:    共 4