1.   Heat nonstick pan until it is very hot, add oil, reduce heat to medium high and saute onion until it begins to soften.

2.   In a large skillet, heat oil and saute onion, squash, tomatoes and garlic puree.

3.   In large skillet, not iron or aluminum, which darkens okra, heat butter, saute onion and okra.

4.   Saute onion and garlic in olive oil with pine nuts until onion is transparent and pine nuts are toasted.

5.   Saute onion, almonds and cilantro in oil until almonds are browned.

6.   Saute onions until edges are nicely browned.

7.   Saute onions, carrots and celery in a little oil until wilted.

8.   Saute onion in oil until it begins to soften and brown.

9.   Saute onion until it softens and turns golden.

10.   Saute onion until it begins to soften.

n. + onion >>共 50
saute 18.67%
cook 5.33%
torpedo 5.33%
cut 4.00%
baby 2.67%
fry 2.67%
center 2.67%
plant 2.67%
chop 1.33%
cipolini 1.33%
saute + n. >>共 16
pan 86.69%
onion 5.32%
garlic 1.90%
apple 0.76%
leek 0.76%
shallot 0.76%
almond 0.38%
cook 0.38%
job 0.38%
mixture 0.38%
每页显示:    共 14