1.   Garnish with tropical fruits and sauteed wild mushrooms, if desired.

2.   Anchovies, crisp bacon, sauteed mushrooms, aged balsamic vinegar, Parmigiano- Reggiano, aged goat cheese.

3.   Add to the cream sauce along with the ham and sauteed mushrooms.

4.   First, the tart shell is slightly underbaked and the mushrooms are sauteed until they are completely dry so they will not make the crust soggy.

5.   Heat oil in a nonstick pan, and saute the mushrooms until they begin to give off liquid.

6.   I began sauteing cremini mushrooms in the pot before adding the cauliflower.

7.   Melt butter in a large skillet, saute mushrooms over low heat until all liquid is cooked off.

8.   Most of us are used to sauteing mushrooms, but here they are roasted, which complements the woody flavors.

9.   Prepare a bechamel sauce, and when it is almost ready, saute the mushrooms in butter, seasoning them with salt, pepper and fresh thyme.

10.   Reduce the heat to medium high, and saute the mushrooms with the thyme until the mushrooms release their juices and the juices begin to evaporate.

v. + mushroom >>共 125
add 12.97%
eat 8.73%
pick 4.48%
remove 4.25%
saute 4.01%
place 2.83%
cut 1.89%
chop 1.89%
use 1.89%
grow 1.65%
saute + n. >>共 88
onion 27.15%
mushroom 5.84%
vegetable 4.81%
pan 3.78%
garlic 3.44%
chicken 3.09%
sausage 2.41%
meat 2.06%
green 1.72%
scallop 1.72%
每页显示:    共 17