1.   Heat oil in frying pan and saute garlic.

2.   In a large skillet, saute garlic in oil until lightly colored.

3.   In a large stockpot, saute garlic in the remaining oil over medium heat for a minute, until garlic begins to brown.

4.   In a large skillet over medium heat, saute garlic in hot oil until just beginning to brown.

5.   In a skillet saute the garlic in olive oil.

6.   Saute the garlic in the olive oil over medium heat.

7.   Saute garlic over medium heat until it begins to color.

8.   The garlic can be sauteed in a little duck fat before you add the tomatoes and beans.

9.   The first step was to determine if it sauteing the garlic ahead of time makes any difference.

10.   Saute garlic in butter until brown.

v. + garlic >>共 122
add 21.41%
mince 5.69%
chop 4.56%
remove 3.87%
crush 3.42%
use 3.42%
discard 2.28%
place 2.28%
saute 2.28%
peel 2.05%
saute + n. >>共 88
onion 27.15%
mushroom 5.84%
vegetable 4.81%
pan 3.78%
garlic 3.44%
chicken 3.09%
sausage 2.41%
meat 2.06%
green 1.72%
scallop 1.72%
每页显示:    共 10