1.   Over low heat, saute garlic in olive oil until garlic is softened but not brown.

2.   Saute garlic in olive oil over medium-low heat until it begins to turn brown.

3.   Saute garlic in the oil until it begins to turn brown, but do not burn.

4.   Saute garlic over medium heat until it barely colors.

5.   Saute garlic, onions and bell peppers in the butter until softened.

n. + garlic >>共 30
society 17.54%
saute 8.77%
mash 5.26%
plant 5.26%
seed 5.26%
spring 5.26%
supermarket 5.26%
clove 3.51%
drop 3.51%
spoon 3.51%
saute + n. >>共 16
pan 86.69%
onion 5.32%
garlic 1.90%
apple 0.76%
leek 0.76%
shallot 0.76%
almond 0.38%
cook 0.38%
job 0.38%
mixture 0.38%
每页显示:    共 5