1.   Saucer eyes, pointy chins and wasp waists, ravening plants and exploding heads, Shinto animism and sci-fi weirdness.

2.   The cause of the commotion was Furby, a fuzzy playmate with saucer eyes, big ears and interactive abilities.

3.   Wallace and Gromit are three-dimensional Plasticine figures with saucer eyes and clown noses who converse in working-class English accents.

4.   Whenever the film is running low on pathos, Taylor Gordon and her saucer eyes are trotted down from the attic for some teary-eyed theatrics.

n. + eye >>共 181
cut 4.33%
doe 3.00%
fish 2.67%
bedroom 2.67%
time 2.67%
button 2.33%
day 2.00%
way 2.00%
obsidian 1.67%
camera 1.33%
saucer 1.33%
saucer + n. >>共 18
magnolia 28.57%
eye 11.43%
hat 11.43%
enthusiast 5.71%
glow 5.71%
bloom 2.86%
bottom 2.86%
debris 2.86%
dome 2.86%
guy 2.86%
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