1.   As the sauce thickens add the seasoning, cheese and mustard to taste.

2.   Blend cornstarch with cup cold water, stir into stew and cook, stirring, until sauce thickens.

3.   Bring to the boil and slowly add the arrowroot mixture, stirring constantly until the sauce has thickened.

4.   Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until the onion is tender and the sauce has thickened slightly.

5.   Return to a gentle heat and stir until the sauce thickens.

6.   Simmer until sauce thickens slightly.

7.   Then add the olive oil, little by little, beating continuously until the sauce thickens.

8.   And here the sauce thickens.

9.   As soon as the sauce has thickened, pour over the cutlets.

10.   Add capers, liquid and seasonings and boil until sauce thickens.

n. + thicken >>共 98
cloud 17.49%
mixture 15.67%
sauce 15.67%
plot 11.49%
gravy 2.35%
skin 2.09%
liquid 1.83%
soup 1.83%
voice 1.31%
fog 1.04%
sauce + v. >>共 140
be 42.47%
thicken 9.13%
have 4.26%
become 2.28%
need 1.67%
begin 1.52%
make 1.37%
come 1.37%
taste 1.22%
go 1.07%
每页显示:    共 60