1.   For several long stretches, the road and a large sandy wash are one and the same.

2.   As our open tour truck whined and rumbled along a rutty road approaching Canyon de Chelly, I peered through the cottonwoods at the sandy wash below.

3.   It just shrugged off everything I threw at it, playfully scaling the rocks, ditches, climbs and sandy washes without a murmur of protest.

4.   It pours down the mountains and into the sandy washes and canyons.

5.   The early evening sunlight was bouncing beautifully off the ocher-colored cliffs, masses of granite boulders rising dramatically over a sandy wash.

a. + wash >>共 110
sandy 3.42%
natural 2.74%
family 2.05%
metal 2.05%
great 2.05%
light 2.05%
final 2.05%
heavy 2.05%
flooded 2.05%
free 2.05%
sandy + n. >>共 164
beach 21.54%
soil 14.71%
hair 4.38%
bottom 4.03%
loam 2.45%
path 2.28%
bank 1.75%
shore 1.75%
road 1.58%
track 1.58%
wash 0.88%
每页显示:    共 5