1.   After each coat of paint the surface is sanded smooth, covered with varnish and sanded again, a total of seven times.

2.   Can I have those curls sanded smooth?

3.   The saw cuts faster than the coping saw, but leaves ragged edges that have to be sanded smooth.

4.   Once this has been meticulously sanded smooth, a mould is made, and then the fibreglass prototype is made using the mould.

a. + smooth >>共 28
very 13.56%
sand 11.86%
silky 11.86%
worn 8.47%
sanded 6.78%
surface 5.08%
creamy 3.39%
polished 3.39%
satiny 3.39%
blended 1.69%
sanded + n. >>共 7
smooth 28.57%
wood 28.57%
grout 14.29%
edge 7.14%
estuary 7.14%
floor 7.14%
spot 7.14%
每页显示:    共 4