1.   The suspension of oil sales could allow Iraq to show the world how economic sanctions are again crippling the lives of its ordinary people.

2.   Although Burundian officials say the sanctions are crippling the economy, Buyoya has refused to step down, saying his policies are restoring security in the country.

3.   Burundi complained the sanctions were crippling the economy and hurting education and health services.

4.   Iraq says the sanctions have crippled its health services.

5.   Sanctions would cripple the Latvian economy, which is heavily dependent on Russian imports and the transshipment of Russian goods through its ports.

6.   The sanctions have crippled the economy and the buying power of ordinary Iraqis.

7.   The sanctions have crippled the economy, leading to international criticism that the standoff with the United Nations is hurting ordinary Iraqis.

8.   The sanctions have crippled the Iraqi economy, and health and education systems and have left residents dependent on U.N. food rations.

9.   U.N. sanctions have crippled the economy, making it impossible for the museum to afford air conditioning necessary to preserve the objects.

n. + cripple >>共 201
strike 7.48%
sanction 3.60%
injury 2.49%
polio 2.22%
closure 1.94%
blockade 1.66%
arthritis 1.66%
year 1.66%
drought 1.39%
attack 1.39%
sanction + v. >>共 279
be 21.16%
include 5.62%
remain 4.84%
ban 3.55%
impose 2.86%
have 2.77%
bar 2.44%
hurt 2.21%
prevent 2.17%
cause 1.94%
cripple 0.60%
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