1.   If sanctions continue they could affect the EMI Compact Disc worksa in Swindon... at the moment they export between ten and twenty thousand discs a month to America.

2.   A senior U.N. official said after the meeting that Annan had been asked how long sanctions might continue in Iraq, a question the administration has tried to avoid.

3.   Clinton administration officials previously said that all sanctions would continue as long as Milosevic remained in power.

4.   Previously the administration said these sanctions would continue as long as Milosevic remained in power.

5.   Sanctions continue to gut the intellectual life here.

6.   Saddam Hussein is keeping Iraq together, it is argued, and since his presence means the sanctions continue, Iraq will remain weak and undivided.

7.   Similar sanctions would have continued into his adult years.

8.   They said the sanctions must continue until negotiations actually begin between the warring parties.

9.   Within the gulf region, only Kuwait, with some lukewarm support from Saudi Arabia, argues that sanctions must continue against Iraq until it fulfills all U.N. resolutions.

10.   But Russia and Arab governments have urged the council to ensure the sanctions do not continue indefinitely.

n. + continue >>共 1148
company 2.49%
investigation 2.20%
talk 1.81%
government 1.60%
economy 1.56%
investor 1.34%
trend 1.31%
negotiation 1.22%
price 1.20%
violence 1.07%
sanction 0.06%
sanction + v. >>共 279
be 21.16%
include 5.62%
remain 4.84%
ban 3.55%
impose 2.86%
have 2.77%
bar 2.44%
hurt 2.21%
prevent 2.17%
cause 1.94%
continue 1.06%
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