1.   Ask for sample menus and references, and discuss the budget.

2.   Big-name caterers booked as early as three years ago are now choreographing events and faxing sample menus to clients.

3.   Many will make reservations for you, and most have sample menus from area eateries.

4.   Numerous restaurant brochures and sample menus are available at the Sedona Visitor Center.

5.   Stern even publishes sample menus and daily itineraries.

6.   Soule is now asking innkeepers to update the entry about their inn from her last edition and also send along sample menus, rate cards and recent publicity.

7.   When closely scrutinized, the sample menu speaks volumes about Chez Panisse and its basic tenets.

8.   You might look over some sample menus and discuss whether your child will buy lunch or bring one.

9.   A sample cocktail menu at the Park Royal suggests Kiwi lamb on kumarawafers, sun-dried tomato bread with Kapiti brick cheese, scallops inpastry and fresh oysters.

10.   They carry sample menus to entice the handful of visitors, offering incentives such as free brandy and fish pate, a local specialty.

n. + menu >>共 234
restaurant 10.68%
pull-down 7.65%
lunch 7.36%
dinner 6.49%
dessert 4.18%
school 3.32%
drop-down 2.02%
breakfast 1.59%
sample 1.44%
file 1.15%
sample + n. >>共 256
size 10.07%
ballot 3.69%
question 2.68%
sale 2.18%
test 1.85%
survey 1.85%
shipment 1.85%
letter 1.68%
menu 1.68%
recount 1.34%
每页显示:    共 10