1.   Bureau professionals can assess the quality of the head count and decide whether its accuracy can be improved by sampling.

2.   Most statisticians agree that sampling can improve the counting of minorities and poor in areas as large as congressional districts and states.

3.   Sampling could improve the census count for every state, yet damage the overall value of the census.

4.   Sampling would improve estimates for larger areas, like Congressional districts, which are the ones that matter for reapportionment or other important government decisions.

5.   But Census Bureau statisticians argue that sampling improves the count by allowing for people who were missed, often minorities and the poor.

6.   But supporters argue that sampling improves the count by allowing for people who were missed, often minorities and the poor.

v. + improve >>共 116
be 3.61%
sample 3.61%
train 3.01%
add 2.41%
help 2.41%
have 2.41%
play 2.41%
house 1.81%
manufacture 1.81%
restructure 1.81%
sample + v. >>共 38
be 34.83%
improve 6.74%
help 5.62%
involve 3.37%
make 3.37%
add 2.25%
affect 2.25%
allow 2.25%
become 2.25%
give 2.25%
每页显示:    共 6