1.   As the animal ages, its metabolism slows down, while the owner is still dumping the same rations in the well-used food bowl.

2.   But the same ration of java has been linked to panic attacks, miscarriages, osteoporosis, and post-mature conceptions.

3.   Walker was held in a freight container, receiving water and portions of the same military rations that troops here eat.

4.   He said there is no motivation to work hard because everyone gets the same ration.

5.   They get the same rations as their Chechen guards -- all members of the presidential bodyguard.

6.   He was carrying a backpack full of corn tortillas with cheese and salt -- the same rations that soldiers and rebels ate during military campaigns in the civil war.

a. + ration >>共 123
daily 8.05%
monthly 6.81%
military 6.50%
meager 6.19%
emergency 4.33%
full 2.79%
proper 2.17%
same 1.86%
combat 1.86%
extra 1.86%
same + n. >>共 964
time 18.03%
thing 4.47%
way 3.83%
day 3.43%
year 1.18%
area 0.95%
kind 0.90%
reason 0.83%
name 0.76%
period 0.75%
ration 0%
每页显示:    共 6