1.   AID-funded program that provides scholarships to girls in the Sharasti Upazila area has demonstrated the same point on a vastly larger scale.

2.   Anderson put the same point more succinctly.

3.   In considering the problem of child abuse, we all have the same starting point.

4.   Once we make allowances for this formal difference, we can see that both accounts are making the same point.

5.   The same point can be illustrated from the solid profit which was derived from the expanding royal protection of bishoprics.

6.   These spring from the same points as the diagonals and divide the four large compartments into smaller ones.

7.   Both lines, on extrapolation to the axis, should intersect at the same point.

8.   Other right-wing intellectuals were making the same point.

9.   It does not indicate what the velocity will be at the same point at another instant or what it will be at any other geometrically similar point.

a. + point >>共 723
starting 6.09%
key 2.84%
the 2.56%
low 2.39%
extra 2.13%
important 2.05%
first 2.05%
main 1.88%
crossing 1.84%
good 1.72%
same 1.72%
same + n. >>共 964
time 18.03%
thing 4.47%
way 3.83%
day 3.43%
year 1.18%
area 0.95%
kind 0.90%
reason 0.83%
name 0.76%
period 0.75%
point 0.28%
每页显示:    共 254