1.   Empire kosher chickens are raised in Pennsylvania under the strictest laws, cleaned with a cold-water salting process that imparts a mildly salty flavor to the meat.

2.   Fish sauce adds the same salty Asian flavor without turning the stock brown.

3.   Or, just add unsalted chicken broth or vegetable broth or another unsalted liquid to dilute the salty flavor, though this will give you a thinner mixture.

4.   Some of it has some salty flavor to it.

5.   The nuts were fine, but there was not a trace of salty flavor.

6.   The sauce may appear offensively fishy when smelled or tasted on its own, but it imparts an essential savory and salty flavor to Thai dishes.

7.   The slight salty flavor of seafood is a good match with the tart drinks.

8.   Though the cookies are loaded with butter, you are left with a salty creamy flavor.

a. + flavor >>共 764
strong 2.24%
intense 2.09%
international 1.92%
different 1.81%
distinctive 1.77%
new 1.70%
nutty 1.45%
sweet 1.45%
smoky 1.42%
complex 1.35%
salty 0.28%
salty + n. >>共 165
snack 10.37%
water 8.07%
language 6.63%
food 4.32%
air 3.17%
taste 2.88%
flavor 2.31%
sea 2.02%
tongue 2.02%
brine 1.44%
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