1.   Cheese pairing with young wines having firmer tannins is more difficult since salty cheeses can make the wine taste bitter and creamy cheeses somewhat metallic.

2.   Feta cheese may be Greek to you, but in the following recipe from Athenos Feta, the salty cheese pairs with pasta to make an international light dish.

3.   Queso fresco, a salty white cheese, also is available in many supermarkets.

4.   The salty cheese toast pairs nicely with the apple wedges.

a. + cheese >>共 361
grated 11.37%
remaining 4.83%
soft 4.01%
grilled 3.52%
shredded 3.27%
hard 2.70%
melted 2.29%
local 1.72%
white 1.72%
big 1.64%
salty 0.33%
salty + n. >>共 165
snack 10.37%
water 8.07%
language 6.63%
food 4.32%
air 3.17%
taste 2.88%
flavor 2.31%
sea 2.02%
tongue 2.02%
brine 1.44%
cheese 1.15%
每页显示:    共 4