1.   Compounding scarcity is the growing problem of water degradation caused by saltwater intrusions, chemical pollutants, and human sewage.

2.   Saltwater intrusion is also a problem, though a much less severe one, on Long Island, which gets all of its drinking water from aquifers.

3.   In extreme cases, saltwater intrusion may become saltwater inundation.

4.   It also deals with such issues as water quality, flood control, erosion, saltwater intrusion and sedimentation.

5.   Preservation of mangrove forests halts saltwater intrusion into groundwater supplies and coastal erosion.

6.   The use of artesian wells will also decrease groundwater quality and quantity, the water surface, and increase saltwater intrusion and coastal abrasion.

a. + intrusion >>共 168
federal 6.25%
unwarranted 4.26%
submarine 2.84%
political 2.27%
unnecessary 2.27%
unwelcome 1.70%
saltwater 1.70%
illegal 1.42%
potential 1.42%
unconstitutional 1.42%
saltwater + n. >>共 75
fish 9.21%
taffy 7.89%
crocodile 6.58%
angler 3.95%
intrusion 3.95%
fishing 3.29%
cordgrass 2.63%
marsh 2.63%
pool 2.63%
species 2.63%
每页显示:    共 6