1.   Sales proceeds are plowed back into the organizations tofind new projects.

2.   A percentage of the sales proceeds will also be donated to the organization.

3.   The company said it would sell its aircraft as opportunities arose and give net sales proceeds to unitholders after each sale.

4.   A strong yen also reduces the value of sales proceeds in foreign currencies.

5.   Donations will be made to charities from sales proceeds.

6.   Lawmakers also approved a proposed constitutional election that will put the sales proceeds in a trust fund that will be invested.

7.   The jewellery firm intends to use the bulk of the sales proceeds to further develop and expand its retail network on the mainland.

8.   The sales proceeds from the produce were exclusively used as investments in agricultural sector of the locality.

9.   The usual palace procedure is to retain the copyright on such arranged photos and to give the sales proceeds to charity.

10.   Boutos-Ghali told reporters the second round just completed would involve sending observers to Iraq and opening a blocked account where oil sales proceeds would be deposited.

a. + proceeds >>共 89
net 20.35%
remaining 7.79%
insurance 5.19%
sales 4.33%
case 3.46%
total 3.03%
criminal 2.60%
entire 2.16%
additional 2.16%
game 2.16%
sales + n. >>共 753
figure 7.34%
growth 5.66%
force 3.87%
pitch 3.52%
representative 3.35%
manager 3.13%
volume 2.68%
report 2.65%
increase 2.13%
gain 1.75%
proceeds 0.10%
每页显示:    共 10