1.   Analyst David Williams said the surplus will mainly be generated by sales of concessions to develop dormant oil fields.

2.   Arms sales do generate high-wage jobs in America, but not as many as the aerospace industry has claimed.

3.   Bertelsmann also will sell theing search engilogpea Bertelsmann wshare in revenues generemeos the fees generated by sales of the software.

4.   Despite the loss, the sale will generate badly needed cash.

5.   Lycos and Bertelsmann will share in revenues generated by advertisements on the German Lycos service, and in the fees generated by sales of the software.

6.   Such discounted bulk sales generate less revenue than full price single-copy sales, however, so the news was not all good, he said.

7.   Such sales could not generate profits if the accounting books were consolidated.

8.   The money was for a book produced by the students, but the book sale generated more publicity than the history teacher and his class could ever have afforded.

9.   The sales could generate gains that would make up for any earnings shortfall.

10.   The Philippine government, which has posted budget surpluses in the past three years, has little need for the cash that the sale will generate.

n. + generate >>共 981
company 3.20%
case 1.87%
economy 1.83%
business 1.83%
program 1.20%
system 1.16%
computer 1.12%
site 0.95%
issue 0.91%
sale 0.87%
sale + v. >>共 649
be 30.72%
fall 4.01%
rise 3.26%
come 2.06%
go 1.92%
slow 1.91%
continue 1.79%
increase 1.66%
take 1.59%
remain 1.52%
generate 0.21%
每页显示:    共 21