1.   Nobody gets to bother the safari tourists and they are escorted everywhere to ensure that this remains true.

2.   This is particularly frustrating because American currency is a lingua franca for the safari tourists and business executives who are increasingly criss-crossing Africa.

3.   This is particularly frustrating because U.S. currency is a lingua franca for the safari tourists and business executives who are increasingly criss-crossing Africa.

4.   Unlike some other African countries, Tanzania receives little military assistance, and few Americans visit, aside from a steady stream of safari tourists.

n. + tourist >>共 106
summer 10.79%
space 9.84%
year 9.52%
sex 6.35%
woman 5.08%
drug 3.49%
day 2.54%
cruise 1.90%
mainland 1.90%
ship 1.90%
safari 1.27%
safari + n. >>共 66
suit 27.94%
business 3.68%
shirt 3.68%
tour 2.94%
tourist 2.94%
gear 2.21%
guide 2.21%
camp 2.21%
outfit 2.21%
project 2.21%
每页显示:    共 4