1.   It is sad to see Amherst students deprived of it, and sadder still to see their elders descend into priggery.

2.   Sadder still because this was a piece of history that was not hoarded in some dusty hideaway but driven and shared with auto buffs on two continents.

3.   Sadder still is that Battier once would have been one of them.

4.   Sadder still is that so many of them never will, unless current prices drop substantially.

a. + still >>共 289
worse 4.94%
military 4.37%
better 3.80%
harder 2.66%
rarer 1.71%
last 1.52%
french 1.52%
the 1.52%
digital 1.33%
first 1.14%
sadder 0.95%
sadder + n. >>共 31
still 12.20%
story 9.76%
note 4.88%
place 4.88%
reality 4.88%
aspect 2.44%
case 2.44%
casualty 2.44%
commentary 2.44%
connection 2.44%
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