1.   After all, why continue to sacrifice American ideals on human rights, democracy, trade and proliferation of nuclear poison to a set of outdated cold war agreements?

2.   He accused lawmakers of his own party of sacrificing their ideals to placate large donors.

3.   Will I have to sacrifice personal ideals to get ahead?

4.   All appreciate his organizational and communications skills but many traditionalists fear he may be too willing to sacrifice nationalist ideals to the interests of his personal ambition.

v. + ideal >>共 150
have 4.39%
represent 4.05%
embody 3.38%
betray 3.04%
embrace 2.70%
espouse 2.36%
promote 2.36%
serve 2.03%
meet 2.03%
support 2.03%
sacrifice 1.35%
sacrifice + n. >>共 427
life 5.85%
runner 3.60%
quality 3.33%
profit 1.98%
body 1.71%
safety 1.62%
principle 1.62%
lot 1.44%
son 1.35%
time 1.26%
ideal 0.36%
每页显示:    共 4