1.   He is buried in sacred ground.

2.   This memorial stands on sacred ground.

3.   The burial site is sacred ground.

4.   An intensely private individual, he treats his inner space as sacred ground that is off-limits to other people.

5.   And American Indian tribes continue to be at risk to lose more sacred ground.

6.   And if there is a loss, what is it compared to the preservation of sacred ground?

7.   And the Orange Bowl is no longer sacred ground for the Hurricanes.

8.   But in this place, I fell into hushed silence knowing I had found sacred ground.

9.   But many firefighters regard the site where hundreds of comrades are buried to be sacred ground, and insist that many bodies remain to be found.

10.   But what developed rather quickly was the opposite pole, that this is, if not sacred ground, at least charged ground.

a. + ground >>共 1305
new 5.71%
higher 3.65%
training 3.00%
fertile 2.73%
lost 2.63%
humanitarian 2.45%
legal 2.19%
burial 1.96%
fishing 1.52%
solid 1.34%
sacred 0.55%
sacred + n. >>共 378
site 10.14%
place 4.75%
text 4.03%
ground 3.86%
space 2.50%
object 2.33%
music 2.09%
shrine 2.01%
trust 1.69%
symbol 1.37%
每页显示:    共 48