1.   Al Ridi said he had once helped the CIA obtain photographs of a downed Russian helicopter.

2.   Already they have taught young Chechens the Afghan technique of stripping the grenade launchers mounted on downed Russian helicopters and sawing down the tubes for hand-held use.

3.   By one estimate, the rockets used for three Russian combat helicopters hired to defend Kisangani were billed at four times their cost.

4.   Circled by Russian helicopter gunships, the convoy of seven buses and one refrigerator truck for Chechen bodies was thought to be headed for the Vedeno area of Chechnya.

5.   During their last raid into Abkhazia, an ill-fated invasion ended in defeat on the second day when Russian helicopters and artillery chased them out.

6.   Every five minutes or so, flares from Russian helicopter gunships lit up the cold night sky over the hapless village amid the boom of artillery.

7.   Finally, Aum had purchased a large Russian military helicopter, and notebooks of its members indicate the sect had also priced Russian tanks, submarines and fighter aircraft.

8.   Four Russian policemen were accidentally killed Sunday when Russian helicopter gunships mistook them for rebels, the Dagestani Interior Ministry press service said Monday.

9.   It also bought a Russian military helicopter and two crop-dusting helicopters that it apparently planned to use to spray the gas.

10.   On her first attempt to get here last December, the family narrowly escaped death when her refugee convoy was attacked by Russian helicopters, she said.

a. + helicopter >>共 533
israeli 20.66%
military 19.15%
russian 7.30%
combat 2.87%
american 1.92%
navy 1.82%
british 1.19%
second 1.17%
the 1.05%
french 1.05%
russian + n. >>共 781
troop 7.11%
official 5.60%
force 4.03%
government 3.40%
soldier 2.60%
authority 1.66%
leader 1.57%
television 1.48%
military 1.32%
army 1.05%
helicopter 0.58%
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