1.   And if the Rockets sign Pippen, Mobley would have help running the offense if he is needed in spot duty at the point, making the position deep.

2.   And Pippen has experience at running the offense.

3.   And is Travis Best ready to run the offense now that Jackson has gone west?

4.   And Sims, the point guard, ran the offense masterfully, with nine assists and no turnovers.

5.   Another scenario has Billick signing with the Ravens and then trading for Vikings backup quarterback Brad Johnson to run the offense.

6.   As a quarterback, Ward took pride in running the offense, knowing how to orchestrate a drive.

7.   As it had throughout the tournament, North Carolina State continued to calmly apply ferocious defensive pressure and run its offense with intelligent deliberation.

8.   As a team, the Sonics appeared confused running their offense, which is partly why they tied a season-low for points.

9.   Aside from that, Batiste said the Sun Devils could have done a better job of running their offense in the second half.

10.   ASU pretended to run an offense against an aggressive man-to-man defense, and the result was predictable.

v. + offense >>共 508
take 9.69%
run 8.16%
commit 4.55%
have 3.78%
get 2.51%
play 2.21%
generate 2.08%
learn 1.87%
lead 1.57%
create 1.53%
run + n. >>共 962
risk 2.96%
ball 2.84%
company 2.69%
business 2.62%
ad 2.52%
country 2.21%
program 2.17%
course 2.07%
gamut 1.52%
race 1.46%
offense 1.05%
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