1.   As the plumbers replaced our rusted line, they hauled out roots big enough to serve with rump roast.

2.   Comparing Lopez and the great Stanwyck is kind of like choosing between rump roast and filet mignon, but the issue goes deeper than acting chops.

3.   Good winter buys include rump roast, eye round and pork chops.

4.   It started with larding the rump roast with a paste of ground pancetta, parsley and garlic.

5.   Still, tourists must eat, especially carnivorous Americans, so many are substituting something in a tofu or a bean curd for a comforting rump roast.

6.   Then there are lamb shanks or a lamb shoulder roast, or maybe a beef rump roast that cooks until that cut dissolves to tenderness.

n. + roast >>共 37
pork 28.79%
chuck 7.58%
beef 6.06%
pig 6.06%
oyster 5.30%
celebrity 4.55%
rump 4.55%
shoulder 3.03%
plantation 2.27%
turkey 2.27%
rump + n. >>共 28
state 27.59%
convention 6.90%
government 6.90%
roast 6.90%
federation 5.75%
army 4.60%
congress 4.60%
group 4.60%
steak 4.60%
parliament 3.45%
每页显示:    共 6