1.   At least one committee member challenged the directive and said that the members should be able to make their own decisions on Williams, but the ruling stood.

2.   A UC official said that if the ruling stands, it would give doctors-in-training at UC Irvine and UC San Diego similar organizing rights.

3.   But if the ruling stands, Jordan warned, some abused women will conclude that they will not be treated fairly if they seek refuge in the courts.

4.   But officials in New Jersey and Connecticut appeared confident that the ruling would stand.

5.   But the PGA policy wonks better start thinking how they are going to handle this issue if the ruling stands.

6.   Catlett said the marijuana cigars will not be introduced into evidence if the ruling stands because they were illegally seized.

7.   Goodman said her ruling stood.

8.   He had been under intense pressure to let the court ruling stand from opposition party leaders and from within his ruling coalition.

9.   If the ruling should stand, the implications for other news organizations would vary.

10.   If the ruling stands, Clinton has not merely prevailed as a litigant.

n. + stand >>共 2049
people 2.50%
man 2.50%
thing 1.61%
police 1.52%
woman 1.29%
company 1.24%
soldier 1.21%
building 1.15%
fan 1.11%
house 1.02%
ruling 0.53%
ruling + v. >>共 501
be 17.48%
come 6.60%
mean 4.16%
have 3.21%
affect 2.70%
apply 2.39%
say 2.18%
make 2.16%
allow 1.85%
give 1.62%
stand 1.18%
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