1.   Thew ruling opens the way for the council to evict them.

2.   Bill supporters said the ruling could open the door to demands for federal benefits and raise legal issues for other states if the couples relocate.

3.   Has the ruling opened the way for similar programs in dozens of states, or has it slammed the door on this form of school choice for good?

4.   His ruling opened the way for the five individual women to seek damages.

5.   Jenkins added that the law gives priority to life over personal property and that his ruling does not open the gates to vigilante action in Amsterdam.

6.   Nixon said the ruling opens a gaping loophole that will allow people who have made the maximum donation to funnel additional contributions through the party.

7.   That ruling opened the floodgates.

8.   That ruling has opened the door for a generation of Pintos and Pacers to enter the once-rarefied arena of collecting, although not at every show.

9.   That ruling opens the way for cost savings and programming flexibility not previously available to owners of television stations.

10.   The appeals court ruling opened the way for prolonged legal wranglings over the value of the presidential materials.

n. + open >>共 988
gunman 4.54%
door 3.71%
police 3.26%
soldier 2.44%
market 2.19%
stock 2.10%
troop 1.84%
price 1.49%
government 1.41%
company 1.35%
ruling 0.24%
ruling + v. >>共 501
be 17.48%
come 6.60%
mean 4.16%
have 3.21%
affect 2.70%
apply 2.39%
say 2.18%
make 2.16%
allow 1.85%
give 1.62%
open 0.90%
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