1.   Massa said the ruling will make hospitals think twice before breaking the law.

2.   Although the ruling will make it easier to prosecute students who make threats, he said he hopes it will also act as a deterrent.

3.   And legal experts say the ruling makes it tougher for Napster to negotiate a settlement with the record labels.

4.   Austin lawyer Terry Davis, who received engineering and law degrees from UT, said the Hopwood ruling has made a difficult recruiting task even harder.

5.   Although Dwyer approved the plan on Wednesday, his ruling made plain that he had lingering doubts about whether it would work.

6.   A California Supreme Court ruling may make it more difficult for employers who make promises they cannot keep.

7.   But her two rulings made clear that she expected the original protection orders against all contact to apply equally to the person suspected of abuse and the abused.

8.   But in a dissenting opinion, Judge Angela M. Mazzarelli warned that the ruling would make it easier for defense lawyers to sully the reputations of rape victims.

9.   But the ruling makes clear the church regards Mormonism as varying in its essential beliefs from traditional Christianity.

10.   Cargill, however, says the ruling effectively makes a company wait until an alcoholic employee asks for help before offering treatment.

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rate 0.69%
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ruling 0.13%
ruling + v. >>共 501
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