1.   Like Ranford, Billington has nothing against the rule enforcement, although he, too, believes the resultant fine and suspension are excessive.

2.   Most players are non-pitchers, and the out-of-control PA has refused to sanction rule enforcements that would favor pitchers.

3.   That is a matter of competency, not rule enforcement.

4.   Even without the rules enforcement, things look brighter for Ferrari than they have in years.

n. + enforcement >>共 102
law 85.25%
border 1.69%
drug 1.60%
peace 0.76%
tax 0.67%
immigration 0.67%
police 0.58%
narcotic 0.49%
government 0.49%
child-support 0.44%
rule 0.18%
rule + n. >>共 227
change 39.94%
book 12.61%
violation 9.79%
committee 3.99%
official 2.90%
maker 1.80%
proposal 1.64%
interpretation 1.49%
infraction 1.10%
state 0.63%
enforcement 0.31%
每页显示:    共 4