1.   Signatories agreed to co-operate in protecting the environment of the eastern Baltic Sea, especially as regards rubbish disposal and storage of nuclear waste.

2.   All parties agreed to co-operate in protecting the environment of the eastern Baltic Sea, especially with respect to rubbish disposal and nuclear waste storage.

3.   Draconian new laws on rubbish disposal have been introduced in Zurich.

4.   Revenues from sale of materials collected and savings on rubbish disposal would be vastly outweighed by the extra cost of collecting and sorting reusable material.

5.   Ting also reminded local councils in Selangor not to use the excuse of rubbish disposal being privatised for any inefficiency in clearing up rubbish in their jurisdiction.

n. + disposal >>共 60
garbage 25.91%
bomb 9.09%
asset 8.18%
sewage 8.18%
loan 4.55%
trash 3.64%
land 2.27%
rubbish 2.27%
body 1.82%
explosive 1.82%
rubbish + n. >>共 38
dump 22.14%
tip 16.43%
bag 7.86%
collection 7.86%
pile 4.29%
heap 3.57%
disposal 3.57%
site 2.14%
chute 2.14%
barrel 1.43%
每页显示:    共 5