1.   Fancy a rubber rat?

2.   Rubber rats, the ones fans love to throw onto the ice after Panthers goals, also are scarce.

3.   There are plastic rats and rubber rats, long-nosed, snub-nosed and beady-eyed rats.

4.   A high-tech rubber rat could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of research rodents.

5.   Every time it came his turn to talk, he dangled a rubber rat by the tail.

n. + rat >>共 75
laboratory 16.12%
lab 13.22%
gym 8.68%
control 4.13%
desert 3.72%
mall 3.31%
sewer 2.89%
fibre 2.48%
river 2.48%
rug 2.48%
rubber 2.07%
rubber + n. >>共 436
price 9.95%
glove 8.45%
spatula 7.09%
future 5.33%
boot 4.40%
ball 3.26%
boat 3.08%
raft 2.07%
plantation 2.07%
product 1.50%
rat 0.22%
每页显示:    共 5