1.   Most of their business was transacted in the royal court, whose physical setting dictated the rituals of supplication and patronage.

2.   That he might elevate her into the imaginary ranks of some royal court of whiteness.

3.   There were court musicians whose exact relation to the family or to any royal court was predictably fuzzy.

4.   This was the moment when the Deiran royal court was destroyed.

5.   Until well into the sixteenth century the royal court and its functionaries were peripatetic.

6.   The oppressively decorous standards of a royal court.

7.   Elections of bishops took place in the royal court in England with the king deciding the number of electors.

8.   Indeed it is more than likely that Desiderius was encouraged in his actions by the royal court.

a. + court >>共 576
federal 21.24%
lower 7.20%
state 7.20%
military 5.51%
higher 2.31%
special 1.89%
constitutional 1.81%
international 1.59%
local 1.50%
open 1.31%
royal 0.50%
royal + n. >>共 940
family 27.66%
palace 6.08%
couple 4.63%
icing 2.34%
court 1.85%
yacht 1.43%
household 1.20%
residence 1.05%
decree 1.01%
member 0.99%
每页显示:    共 97