1.   At the same time, routine legal tasks have become increasingly computerized, allowing companies to substitute paralegals for actual lawyers.

2.   Driving instructors say most of the time they spend in cars with students is occupied by routine tasks.

3.   He had to devote all his attention to the routine task of driving, finally pulling over to recover.

4.   When the first tourists of the morning arrive, he joins other workers below for the routine tasks of the day.

5.   Routine tasks are often delegated to inexperienced young doctors.

6.   A deputy supervisor to help out with routine tasks.

7.   To perform the routine tasks of the section and maintain certain databases on the McDonnell Doublas system and several Personal Computer based systems.

8.   We can then expect that in the foreseeable future most routine tasks related to the handling of materials, energy and information will be performed by artefacts.

9.   Almost any routine task can be easily automated.

10.   Better technology has enabled machines to take over many routine tasks, and a series of recessions has eroded lower-end wages.

a. + task >>共 890
difficult 8.42%
daunting 6.34%
easy 6.14%
simple 2.53%
first 2.47%
main 2.40%
impossible 2.14%
tough 2.08%
formidable 1.56%
specific 1.33%
routine 0.87%
routine + n. >>共 938
check 3.95%
maintenance 3.77%
inspection 3.11%
patrol 2.96%
mission 2.23%
flight 2.08%
test 2.05%
checkup 1.87%
procedure 1.49%
grounder 1.44%
task 1.42%
每页显示:    共 56