1.   Colonoscopic surveillance in colitis should reduce cancer related death compared with routine clinical care, by detecting early curable cancer.

2.   Another two days a week she provides routine gynecological care including pap smears and minor surgery.

3.   At this point, APAL has set up the mechanism for routine care.

4.   Because routine care will be harder to obtain, many of these patients will be seriously ill, having allowed routine illnesses to become life-threatening.

5.   A policy does not pay for routine care, such as vaccinations and heartworm prevention, or for illnesses that existed before coverage was purchased.

6.   A recent Institute of Medicine report listed the lack of Medicare coverage of routine patient care as a primary reason why more elderly do not participate in clinical trials.

7.   Coverage includes vaccination, routine care, cancer, heart conditions and accidents.

8.   For example, lesbians commonly believe they do not need regular Pap tests or routine gynecological care.

9.   For example, convenient routine medical care is available to senators and representatives on Capitol Hill through the office of the attending physician.

a. + care >>共 694
medical 20.57%
managed 14.35%
foster 6.06%
long-term 3.09%
patient 2.93%
great 2.17%
home 1.90%
prenatal 1.83%
emergency 1.78%
special 1.76%
routine 0.39%
routine + n. >>共 938
check 3.95%
maintenance 3.77%
inspection 3.11%
patrol 2.96%
mission 2.23%
flight 2.08%
test 2.05%
checkup 1.87%
procedure 1.49%
grounder 1.44%
care 0.99%
每页显示:    共 39