1.   After that, click on the rotation icon.

2.   If you had used an arc shape for the WordArt shape, the dialogue box that pops up when you click on the rotation icon will look different.

3.   Next, click on the rotation icon, which is the button that displays a curling arrow.

4.   Next, click on the rotation icon.

5.   Then click on the rotation icon.

6.   Today we will look in detail at the rotation icon when you use it in combination with the arch and circle, as well as the shading feature.

n. + icon >>共 239
fashion 5.03%
desktop 4.02%
rock 3.62%
culture 3.42%
style 3.02%
sport 2.62%
screen 2.21%
music 2.01%
pop-culture 1.81%
movie 1.81%
rotation 1.21%
rotation + n. >>共 72
system 24.36%
plan 5.13%
spot 5.13%
icon 3.85%
basis 3.85%
period 2.56%
feature 2.56%
speed 2.56%
match 1.92%
process 1.92%
每页显示:    共 6