1.   When he was called to ride, Hedeman mounted Bodacious in the chute, put his hand in the rope handle and called for the gate to be opened.

2.   Another plastic container, this one empty, and a larger tub with rope handles and elastic cords were nearby.

3.   She uses her coffin, a plain wooden box with rope handles, as a hope chest.

4.   The containers were inside a large plastic tub with rope handles, sitting openly in the park.

n. + handle >>共 177
door 22.47%
broom 7.22%
grab 3.09%
file 3.09%
ax 2.06%
brass 1.86%
axe 1.65%
faucet 1.65%
knife 1.44%
bat 1.44%
rope 0.82%
rope + n. >>共 102
line 18.32%
swing 4.95%
bridge 3.47%
course 2.97%
belt 2.97%
burn 2.97%
hammock 2.48%
trick 2.48%
handle 1.98%
harness 1.98%
每页显示:    共 4