1.   Loose oxygenators can be removed altogether, keeping back just a few rooted cuttings for the following spring.

2.   A neighbor brought me a rooted cutting in a jar.

3.   Fortunately, sweet potatoes are easy to grow from rooted cuttings.

4.   If it resists, you probably have a rooted cutting.

5.   Move the rooted cutting into its own pot, using a light potting mix with plenty of peat and vermiculite, and grow it in a sunny window.

6.   New roots will form in three to four weeks, and then the rooted cutting can be moved to an individual pot or planted directly in the garden.

7.   Plant the rooted cuttings in the garden in spring after danger of frost.

8.   This may take a year or two if you purchase a rooted cutting.

a. + cutting >>共 137
genital 14.67%
short 5.02%
female 3.09%
illegal 3.09%
rooted 3.09%
clear 2.70%
ritual 2.70%
selective 2.70%
wood 2.70%
further 1.93%
rooted + n. >>共 56
cutting 9.52%
problem 5.95%
tradition 4.76%
fear 3.57%
feeling 3.57%
animosity 2.38%
attitude 2.38%
belief 2.38%
enmity 2.38%
phenomenon 2.38%
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